Prenatal Visits

Congratulations!!! We know how exciting and somewhat confusing time this can be. Whether you are birthing a baby, or expecting to adopt or foster a child soon, the staff at Walden Pond Pediatrics would like to make this journey as effortless and seamless as possible for your family.

Dr. Bakshi and her staff believe in the power of the connection between a patient and their health care provider. We realize the first prenatal visit is an important initial step in introducing our practice, selecting a pediatrician and securing a comfortable and trusting relationship. With genuine connection, comes the potential to create a real shift in the course of a patient's health and well-being.

baby lying down on his back with a measuring tape next to him
a mother holding her newborn while a pediatrician looks in his ear

We offer a scheduled prenatal visit with Dr. Bakshi during our normal office hours, which include a tour of the office and an opportunity to meet our team. We will provide an overview of newborn care, our practice policies and resources, and answer any questions you may have about being a new parent. If you deliver at Emerson Hospital, Dr. Bakshi will visit you and your new baby every morning until you are discharged.

If you do not have an opportunity to meet us during the week, we plan to host open houses for families to visit our team and office.

Congratulations again and thank you in advance for your interest in joining our practice family. Please contact our office to schedule your complimentary first visit.

Your Newborn’s First Office Visit

This first clinic visit typically occurs two to three days after you and your baby are discharged from the hospital. During this visit, we will assess your baby’s growth and address routine newborn care including feeding, safety, as well as family support and sibling relationships.

Dr. Bakshi will be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have regarding your newborn. If your baby did not receive the Hepatitis B vaccine prior to leaving the hospital, we would be happy to administer it at this visit. Your next visit following the first office visit will be at two weeks of life.